The artist describes his painting of Esther below:
This painting is based on the Midrash (interpretations of the Bible) of the unique courage and boldness of Esther that made her the star of the beautiful story we read in the Megillah (Book of Esther).
The painting depicts the shining personality of Esther, as she emerges from the darkness and tribulation that engulfed her and her brethren on account of the murderous decrees of the evil Haman.
The very name 'Esther' is symbolic for our times. The Bible relates that 'And he [Mordechai] had brought up/ nurtured /reared Hadassah, that is Esther' (Esther 2:7).
Why are two names mentioned?
The very name 'Esther' is symbolic for our times. The Bible relates that 'And he [Mordechai] had brought up/ nurtured /reared Hadassah, that is Esther' (Esther 2:7). Why are two names mentioned? Hadassah stems from the Hebrew word 'hadas,' (myrtle). The Midrash relates that Esther was similar to the hadas in that she had a deep olive-green complexion. The leaves of this plant have a very sweet fragrance that can only be released when the leaves are bruised and crushed. Just like the hadas, which is only fragrant when it is bruised and crushed, so too was Esther’s potential brought out to its fullest by the difficult challenges that faced her.The name Esther is related to the word 'hester,' meaning hidden. For nine years, until Haman's downfall, Esther guarded the secret of her ancestry. This incredible silence is the outstanding virtue that made Esther queen. Esther did not dare reveal anything, for she knew that her silence was necessary for the salvation of her brethren. Esther had perfect self-control. The ability to be queen over herself is what made her queen and savior of her people.
If you look closely at the painting, you will notice that the hope and courage that personified Esther, glows from all parts of her being. Her optimism and confidence, coupled with her deep conviction and faith radiates from her while enlightening the gloom, pessimism and despair that surrounds her.
Isn't that just lovely?
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