Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Inspiration from Sis. Elaine Dalton

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is GREEN???

What is green?
Green means go
Green is grass, frogs, moss
Emeralds are green
Christmas and St. Patrick's Day are too
It is rich
It is velvety
Green is expansive
Green is the sea, mountains, trees
It is growth
It is becoming
It is learning from becoming
Green was the Grove on that beautiful morning
As Joseph Smith sought to know
What is green?
Green is our search for KNOWLEDGE

Author unknown

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quotes on Knowledge

"Not all knowledge has the same worth - nor are all truths equally valuable. The truths upon which our eternal salvation rests are the most crucial truths that we must learn. . . The most essential knowledge for you to obtain is the saving knowledge of the gospel and its author - even Jesus Christ."
-President Ezra Taft Benson, The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, page 295

"Learning is not a spectator sport. Fundamentally, the responsibility to learn is yours and yours alone... For learning to happen in any course, you must take an active role in the process."
("Enhancing student readiness to learn," The Teaching Professor, October 2006, p. 1)

To live more fully each hour and to glean the most from each day is wisdom. How unwise we are to waste our today's when they determine the significance of our tomorrows. We should wisely live a day at a time because that is all we have.
-Marvin J. Ashton, Ensign, May 1975, 85

"God desires that we learn and continue to learn, but this involves some unlearning. As Uncle Zeke said: 'It ain't my ignorance that done me up but what I know'd that wasn't so.' The ultimate evil is the closing of the mind or stealing it against truth, resulting in the hardening of intellectual arteries."
-Hugh B. Brown, Continuing to Learn

"Knowledge of truth, combined with proper regard for it, and its faithful observance, constitutes true education. The mere stuffing of the mind with a knowledge of facts is not education. The mind must not only possess a knowledge of truth, but the soul must revere it, cherish it, love it as a priceless gem."
-Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine (1986), 269

The other blog

Don't forget to check out the Oakville YW/YM Blog!


Personal Progress Reminder

REMEMBER to complete your Personal Progress goal this week!!!

If you can't remember what your goal is, ask Sis. Eujean Peterson - our new Personal Progress leader!!!

My only pics from camp :)

Do you have any photos from YW Camp? Let me know and I'll post them!!!

July = Knowledge